The website contains practical security advice aimed at making you aware of Internet risks and vulnerabilities, and providing you with the information you need to protect yourself against these threats. Information includes how to:
- install anti-virus software
- make back-ups
- protect your privacy
- set ground rules for children
- shop, bank and use online auctions safely
- guides for businesses
- and much more… is a joint initiative between HM Government, the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) and leading businesses, which aims to help individuals and businesses to protect themselves against Internet security risks. It is a neutral, unbiased and objective source of information and expert advice for everyone.
As an Internet user, you know what a fantastic resource it is for learning, shopping, doing your banking online, keeping in touch with friends and family, and many more fun activities. However, you may also be concerned about the risk of being online – suffering a virus attack, receiving unwanted emails or becoming the victim of online fraud. By taking some simple measures you can help protect yourself against many online threats and reduce the risk of becoming a victim.
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AgilityIS helping people protect themselves online